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How to send a payment through popular payment systems in China?
To get started, please contact us and specify in which payment system you need to make a transfer. After we confirm the possibility of translation, please place an order on our website.
How do I send a payment to China with Bitcoins?
After you received confirmation of the possibility of transfer, please place and pay for the order on this page. To do this, in the field "You give", indicate the amount you want to exchange. Our calculator will calculate the Bitcoin exchange rate and the service commission, in the "You receive" field you will see the amount that you will receive in your account in the payment system. If possible, we will calculate the commission of the payment system, this commission will be taken into account in the final amount. Enter your email and click the "Exchange Now" button. In the next step, specify an account in the payment system. In the comments to the order, please indicate in which payment system you want to send the transfer. Pay for the order and wait for it to be completed from our side.
Who we are?
Cryptex24 is an electronic and cryptocurrency exchange platform that has proven itself in the electronic payment market. The service has been serving clients since 2014, during which time we have used the service by thousands of clients from all over the world.
Interesting information about Bitcoin and Chinese payment systems
China banned the trading of cryptocurrencies in 2019 and has since tightened restrictions on Bitcoin mining more and more. Despite this, 93 million people in China regularly make transactions in cryptocurrency. Miners in China accounted for 21.1% of the total global hash rate distribution in January 2022. Traditional payment systems are widely used in China to pay for goods and services. Even beggars on the streets indicate the QR code of the wallet for transferring money. In 2021, the number of the most popular Chinese payment system reached 1.6 billion people and continues to grow.
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8750.00 CNY
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0.00000000 BTC
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