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Exchange bitcoin to perfect money
Bitcoin is the most famous cryptocurrency in the world. It keeps growing every day with new users, miners, and mined coins. For now, more than 19,416,712.5 of all 21 million coins are already mined. The amount of mined Bitcoins is changed every 10 minutes when new blocks are mined. But it becomes more difficult to mine more Bitcoins. It was calculated that the last Bitcoin will be mined in about 2040. The main advantages of Bitcoins are irreversible transactions, independent of other currencies' rates, and decentralized architecture. One of the disadvantages of Bitcoins is a highly fluctuating rate which makes it very risky to keep big amounts. If you wish to sell your bitcoins fast and get payment in other digital currencies, Cryptex24 can offer to convert to any supported payment system.
How to exchange BTC to PM?
Please complete the order form and check how much you get to your PerfectMoney account for Bitcoins with our calculator. Also, you can check our Bitcoin rate and fees for a transaction. You will see the exact amount that you get to your PM account, with no additional fees. Also, we will need your email so you can sign in to your personal cabinet and PM account number to top up your balance. We provide you with our Bitcoin address on your order page and you will be able to pay your order. Please note that you need to pay before order time is expired, we give 15 minutes for that. If we get bitcoins after this timeframe is over, the bitcoin rate will be recalculated to the current and you will get another amount of PM. We’ll send you PM right after receive your bitcoins.
What is Cryptex24?
Cryptex24 is a digital money exchange service. We convert digital currencies to cash and to each other. Our service is simple and fast. Orders are processed in a few steps and as soon as possible. In a few words, you just need to fill out a simple form and send us the currency you wish to convert. We have an attentive customer support department who will be happy to explain all your questions. You can earn money with our profitable affiliate program. We are always happy to see new and experienced customers on our website and gladly provide our services.
Why should you choose Perfect Money?
Perfect Money is a well-known payment system with monthly interests for storing funds and an attractive affiliate program. It has more than 10 million accounts and continues to grow. Thousands of internet services accept PM because it’s simple to connect with any website and is available worldwide. You can make online payments with PM fast and simple, participate in investment projects as many of them accept PM, withdraw your PM funds to cash (with Cryptex24 service), and send money transfers to your friends and relatives as internal transfers in PM are instant. If you have a balance in PM, you will always be able to find a place to buy anything you need!
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